For Kathy's Sake
The battle no parent should ever have to fight..
Advocating on behalf of others for change to broken systems..

April 2024 Update the Maryland Law
"The Katherine Morris Death Reclassification Act"

Warning may be disturbing to some..... As many head out this weekend to see Till, I ask the following. Does this look like the death scene of a person that fell asleep from carbon monoxide poisoning? Not likely. Written autopsy report says no bruises to the body. AAC Police let FALSE DNA reports go out to the family. That's why in 2021 a judge ordered a change to the 2012 manner of death for my only child...from suicide to undetermined. All I asked for in 2022 was that AAC police now list my child's case as unsolved and ask the public for more info. They said "NO" Therefore I think AAC still has unfinished police accountability business under County Exec. Pittman. Will he fix it or are we in for more of the same? If you are outraged by what you see/read then let the C.E. know it's not acceptable. Take peaceful action by emailing Expitt99@aacounty.org. Call his office (410) 222-1821. Mail a ltr to 44 Calvert St. Annapolis MD 21401. Don't just like or hug. This is my child and a decade of seeking justice. Visit www.forkathyssake.com
For years Kathy's mom fought to be heard by an independent agency that could hear both sides. In Dec 2020 that finally happened before a judge and in a five day hearing with the Attorney Generals Office for the State of Maryland. The self represented mom won.
In summary, the 58 page judge's opinion was that the manner of death for Kathy should be changed to undetermined because both agencies had failed to properly investigate her death.
In 2021 the State's Attorney Generals office (again) representing in essence Dr. David Fowler who came under national fire for his absurd testimony in the trial of the police officer charged with the death of George Floyd, resulting in over 400 doctors nationwide voting no confidence.
It was that same Dr. Fowler's office that signed this girls deaths certificate within hours of her death, erroneously ruling it a suicide with no investigation. Dr Fowler later issued a letter cosigned in accuracy by having coming under the review of Anne Arundel County police yet, but still contained what were known to be and or should have been known to be false DNA findings. Those findings were released to both the public and the family. The Attorney Generals once again lost on appeal to the prose Mother.
That's a major victory, and we are grateful to God for bringing us through but the work does not end there. What happened to Katherine Sarah Morris on the eve May 5, 2012. We must now attempt to at least find some of the answers. Her website on average has had over 9,000 visitors a year with over 100,000 plus page views. Are any of you visiting because you know what happened to Kathy Morris? Perhaps you are a witness' that saw something strange in the parking lot of that Arundel Mills movie overflow parking lot. Her body and car were found on the back lot of the Anne Arundel Community College at Arundel Mills Mall Sunday morning May 6 2012.
Perhaps you saw something unusual but because of the erroneously suicide ruling you did not speak about it. If so we need to hear from you now. Perhaps you are a military soldier or associate of Goodwin, King or Brown and you heard something. If so please contact us at (301) 456-0769. (Please note that these persons are not being accused of a crime and are to be presumed innocent of any wrong doing).
Your financial help is needed today to help fight this battle.
To help click the donate button below

All photo's of Kathy Morris in black and white striped dress courtesy of
Sam Cojolo who took them less than 3 weeks prior to Kathy's death
First, many of you have told me that you believe. Some, after viewing the evidence, have called me in the quiet of the night saying , "Marguerite, I believe you". Others continuously show your support and belief by lending your time, and offering your resources, for that, my friends,
I thank you.
Secondly, for those that have never heard our story, and this is perhaps your first of many visits here, thank you. This site is my way of telling our story, as confusing, and as incredulous much of it may seem or sound..let the facts speak for themselves.
So let's begin this website journey - I believe that before you leave this site - you too will believe.
Let the journey begin!
Click here for 20 minute video detailing the beginning of a Botched Police Investigation Part 1
Clickhere to so why the first responder to the crime scene was puzzled by the police conclusions and he himself acknowledges having disturbed the crime scene -20 minutes

Clip #1 Mom goes public with details when case over alleged corrupt police activities is dismissed
Background Narrative on Clip #1
The first in a series of ten mini video clips. A mother of a deceased young girl named Katherine Sarah Morris to the polices dismay, turns detective, offering up strong evidence of a botched police investigation leading to the alleged deliberate suppression and manipulation of key evidence by some officers of the Anne Arundel County police department. The mother has been waging a tremendous legal battle prose and in the most recent case filed in 2019 she charged several officers of the police department with fraud, conspiracy, defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and libel. She brought a previous lawsuit against the department over the Maryland Public Information Act in response to her request for the release of some electronic records. The police department conveniently claimed that the information requested was housed on a hard drive that had crashed with them alleging the files could not be recovered. She also brought a Writ of Mandamus against the State of Maryland. Following the release of over 9,000 pages of internal documents and some incredible investigative work by the mother and both private investigators and forensic persons from across the country the mother has proven herself to be a determined and credible force in seeking truth.

Clip #2 Botched death investigation of Kathy Morris sparks demand for greater police accountability
Background Narrative on Clip #2
A mother of a deceased young woman named Katherine Sarah Morris to the polices dismay, turns detective, offering up strong evidence of a botched police investigation leading to the alleged deliberate suppression and manipulation of key evidence to control outcomes by some officers of the Anne Arundel County police department. The mother alleges that not only was there a cover-up but that the officer ordering the cover-up was allegedly a now retired police chief James Teare who allegedly resigned in lieu of being charged with corruption during a documented corruption scandal that made National headlines. This is one of several brief clips that are well thought out, well documented and well presented.
This site before recent updates has received over 200, 000 hits and there is a reason for that.. It's YOU, so thank you
for stopping by.
Thirdly, this group of friends that believe, range from law enforcement professionals, investigators, lawyers, journalist, agency and government leaders, and numerous others from all walks of life from around the world. Some, I have only met once along the way, but what you did was no small thing.
I truly thank you for your countless hours, your own personal dollars, time, patience and resources that you've invested.
You all are truly my friends and I love you dearly. Marguerite Morris, mother of Kathy Morris and in loving memory of W. Joe Morris
For Kathy's Sake, Inc was started by Kathy's family and friends to provide services to persons in crisis by advocating for better services and/or access to those services.
Overall, we advocate for better community awareness to the issues that challenge our families.
Join us for 8th Annual Brunch with For Kathy's Sake in partnership with C.A.S.T.
Saturday Aug 3. 2024
So in memory of Katherine Sarah Morris who died under what we believe are questionable circumstances and who we know was clearly a victim of a Basic Allowance for Housing money scam (known as BAH Fraud), and to help others we are seeking congressional support to introduce and or sponsor
The Katherine Morris Military Spouse Protection Act
The Katherine Morris Military Spouse Protection Act
“Abuse is not just physical, the mental affects
can be devastating”
PLEASE NOTE: As you continue reading on this site it is important for all those visiting this site to first understand that our efforts are not designed to dishonor our Nations military . We ourselves and many involved are veterans, retirees and active duty personnel. We love our soldiers and this Nation would not be what it is without them. However, being realistic and honest, with any system, there are those that will, and do take advantage of well meaning systems. With that being said, our Kathy is dead and we want to honor her memory by offering greater assistance to others in crisis.