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Katherine was a fourth year student at University of Maryland. She came out of Ryken High School in her last semester earning better than a 4.0 with an overall GPA of 3.88. Katherine was a beautiful girl with loving ways that blessed so many. At the age of 18 she was a par-excellent cook often giving gifts of bow wrapped cookies and cakes to friends. On her trips home from college her Mom always made sure there were plenty of chocolate chip cookie dough and Pepsi. In addition, Katherine majored in Family Services and she spent her summers working at the homeless shelter and her internship volunteering at a local daycare.

She loved and respected others and was far more special than words could describe. Kathy began to establish a strong Christian foundation leading mini worship services at the preschool cubby holes and her faith was further demonstrated by her attempting to baptize her stuffed animals at the young age of three. She served faithfully in ministry beside her parents serving in many capacities in the church. She was remarkable both in the church and in the community serving as a youth leader in Positive Reinforcement of Our Future for several years.

Kathy, even though quite often quiet and reserved was a remarkable young lady with a heart to give to many. She gave 110% and accepted the Lord at an early age. Her parents recall how on one evening how she stated to them quietly from the back seat of the car that she heard “God is pretend.” When asked where she heard that at and Kathy said a boy in school told her, she was quickly swept into private Christian school.

Kathy was funny, had lots of friends but only a few very close friends with whom she shared her deeply personal life with. Her friend Shaudea says of her "your laugh, your smile, your gentle essence are a few aspects that cannot be forgotten. You were the definition of a loyal friend, and how it hurts to see you leave this world so soon only leaving me with memories of you. Our wonderful summer vacations and all the birthday celebrations, I will miss the sweet little things you would do. I remember when you baked me a cake for my birthday because you did not have money to buy me a gift, but you taking the time to make me something so special was better than any gift that money could ever buy. You were so creative. You touched the lives of so many people whether you realized it or not. Heaven has been blessed with an angle. I love you with all my heart."

A good friend Sam Cojolo shares about our Kathy. Control click the below link to see this heartfelt loving video.

A good friend Sam Cojolo shares about our Kathy. Control click the below link to see this heartfelt loving video.

May the pursuit of truth & justice 

prevail in ​your memory...

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